In today’s class we will process data using R, which is a very powerful tool, designed by statisticians for data analysis. Described on its website as “free software environment for statistical computing and graphics,” R is a programming language that opens a world of possibilities for making graphics and analyzing and processing data. Indeed, just about anything you may want to do with data can be done with R, from web scraping to making interactive graphics.
Next week we will make static graphics with R. We will explore’s its potential for making interactive charts and maps in week 13, and use it to make animations in week 14. Our goal for this week’s class is to get used to working with data in R.
RStudio is an “integrated development environment,” or IDE, for R that provides a user-friendly interface.
Launch RStudio, and the screen should look like this:
The main panel to the left is the R Console. Type valid R code into here, hit return
, and it will be run. See what happens if you run:
print("Hello World!")
Download the data for this session from here, unzip the folder and place it on your desktop. It contains the following files, used in reporting this story, which revealed that some of the doctors paid as “experts” by the drug company Pfizer had troubling disciplinary records:
Payments made by Pfizer to doctors across the United States in the second half on 2009. Contains the following variables:
Full name of the doctor, or their organization.first_plus
Doctor’s first and middle names.first_name
. First and last
City and state.category of payment
Type of payment, which include Expert-led Forums
, in which doctors lecture their peers on using Pfizer’s drugs, and `Professional
Value of payments made in cash.other
Value of payments made in-kind, for example puschase of
value of payment, whether cash or in-kind.fda.csv
Data on warning letters sent to doctors by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, because of problems in the way in which they ran clinical trials testing experimental treatments. Contains the following variables:
Doctor’s last, first, and middle names.issued
Date letter was
Office within the FDA that sent the letter.Data journalism should ideally be fully documented and reproducible. R makes this easy, as every operation performed can be saved in a script, and repeated by running that script. Click on the icon at top left and select
R Script
. A new panel should now open:
Any code we type in here can be run in the console. Hitting Run
will run the line of code on which the cursor is sitting. To run multiple lines of code, highlight them and click Run
Click on the save/disk icon in the script panel and save the blank script to the file on your desktop with the data for this week, calling it week7.R
Now we can set the working directory to this folder by selecting from the top menu Session>Set Working Directory>To Source File Location
. (Doing so means we can load the files in this directory without having to refer to the full path for their location, and anything we save will be written to this folder.)
Notice how this code appears in the console:
The panel at top right has two tabs, the first showing the Environment
, or all of the “objects” loaded into memory for this R session. We can save this as well, so we don’t have to load and process data again if we return to return to a project later.
(The second tab shows the History
of the operations you have performed in RStudio.)
Click on the save/disk icon in the Environment
panel to save and call the file week7.RData
. You should see the following code appear in the Console:
Copy this code into your script, placing it at the end, with a comment, explaining what it does:
# save session data
Anything that appears on a line after #
will be treated as a comment, and will be ignored when the code is run. Get into the habit of commenting your code: Don’t trust yourself to remember what it does!
is known as an “assignment operator.” It means: “Make the object named to the left equal to the output of the code to the right.”&
means AND, in Boolean logic, which we discussed in week 5 when working with web search forms.|
means OR, in Boolean logic.!
means NOT, in Boolean logic."United States"
, or "2016-07-26"
. Numbers are not quoted.c
, with the values separated by commas, for example: c("2016-07-26","2016-08-04")
creates a list of integers (whole numbers) from one to ten.Some common operators:
add, subtract.*
multiply, divide.>
greater than, less than.>=
greater than or equal to, less than or equal to.!=
not equal to.Equals signs can be a little confusing, but see how they are used in the code we use today:
test whether an object is equal to a value. This is often used when filtering data, as we will see.=
make an object equal to a value; works like <-
, but used within the brackets of a function.We encountered functions in week 1 in the context of spreadsheet formulas. They are followed by brackets, and act on the code in the brackets.
Important: Object and variable names in R should not contain spaces.
Much of the power of R comes from the thousands of “packages” written by its community of open source contributors. These are optimized for specific statistical, graphical or data-processing tasks. To see what packages are available in the basic distribution of R, select the Packages
tab in the panel at bottom right. To find packages for particular tasks, try searching Google using appropriate keywords and the phrase “R package.”
In this class, we will work with two incredibly useful packages developed by Hadley Wickham, chief scientist at RStudio:
These and several other useful packages have been combined into a super-package called tidyverse.
To install a package, click on the Install
icon in the Packages
tab, type its name into the dialog box, and make sure that Install dependencies
is checked, as some packages will only run correctly if other packages are also installed. Click Install
and all of the required packages should install:
Notice that the following code appears in the console:
So you can also install packages with cod in this format, without using the point-and-click interface.
Each time you start R, it’s a good idea to click on Update
in the Packages
panel to update all your installed packages to the latest versions.
Installing a package makes it available to you, but to use it in any R session you need to load it. You can do this by checking its box in the Packages
tab. However, we will enter the following code into our script, then highlight these lines of code and run them:
# load packages to read, write and manipulate data
At this point, and at regular intervals, save your script, by clicking the save/disk icon in the script panel, or using the ⌘-S
keyboard shortcut.
You can load data into the current R session by selecting Import Dataset>From Text File...
in the Environment
However, we will use the read_csv
function from the readr package. Copy the following code into your script and Run
# load data of pfizer payments to doctors and warning letters sent by food and drug adminstration
pfizer <- read_csv("pfizer.csv")
fda <- read_csv("fda.csv")
Notice that the Environment
now contains two objects, of the type tbl_df
, a variety of the standard R object for holding tables of data, known as a data frame:
The Value
for each data frame details the number of columns, and the number of rows, or observations, in the data.
You can remove any object from your environment by checking it in the Grid
view and clicking the broom icon.
We can View
data at any time by clicking on its table icon in the Environment
tab in the Grid
Here, for example, I am looking at the pfizer
The str
function will tell you more about the columns in your data, including their data type. Copy this code into your script and Run
# view structure of data
This should give the following output in the R Console:
Classes ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame': 10087 obs. of 10 variables:
$ first_name: chr "STEVEN" "AAKASH" "LILIAN" "LILIAN" ...
$ last_name : chr "DEITELZWEIG" "AHUJA" "ABBO" "ABBO" ...
$ city : chr "NEW ORLEANS" "PASO ROBLES" "MIAMI" "MIAMI" ...
$ state : chr "LA" "CA" "FL" "FL" ...
$ category : chr "Professional Advising" "Expert-Led Forums" "Business Related Travel" "Meals" ...
$ cash : int 2625 1000 0 0 1800 750 0 825 3000 0 ...
$ other : int 0 0 448 119 0 0 47 0 0 396 ...
$ total : int 2625 1000 448 119 1800 750 47 825 3000 396 ...
means “character,” or a string of text (which can be treated as a categorical variable); int
means an integer, or whole number.
Also examine the structure of the fda
data frame using the following code:
This should be the console output:
Classes ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame': 272 obs. of 5 variables:
$ name_last : chr "ADELGLASS" "ADKINSON" "ALLEN" "AMSTERDAM" ...
$ name_first : chr "JEFFREY" "N." "MARK" "DANIEL" ...
$ name_middle: chr "M." "FRANKLIN" "S." NA ...
$ issued : Date, format: "1999-05-25" ...
$ office : chr "Center for Drug Evaluation and Research" "Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research" "Center for Devices and Radiological Health" "Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research" ...
Notice that issued
has been recognized as a Date
variable. Other common data types include num
, for numbers that may contain decimals and POSIXct
for full date and time.
If you run into any trouble importing data with readr, you may need to specify the data types for some columns — in particular for date and time. This link explains how to set data types for individual variables when importing data with readr.
To specify an individual column use the name of the data frame and the column name, separated by $
. Type this into your script and run:
# print values for total in pfizer data
The output will be the first 10,000 values for that column.
If you need to change the data type for any column, use the following functions:
converts to a text
converts to a
converts to a categorical
converts to an integeras.Date
converts to a dateas.POSIXct
convets to a full date and time.(Conversions to full dates and times can get complicated, because of timezones. Contact me for advice if you need to work with full dates and times for your project!)
Now add the following code to your script to convert the convert total
in the pfizer
data to a numeric variable (which would allow it to hold decimal values, if we had any).
# convert total to numeric variable
pfizer$total <- as.numeric(pfizer$total)
Notice that the data type for total
has now changed:
Classes ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame': 10087 obs. of 10 variables:
$ first_name: chr "STEVEN" "AAKASH" "LILIAN" "LILIAN" ...
$ last_name : chr "DEITELZWEIG" "AHUJA" "ABBO" "ABBO" ...
$ city : chr "NEW ORLEANS" "PASO ROBLES" "MIAMI" "MIAMI" ...
$ state : chr "LA" "CA" "FL" "FL" ...
$ category : chr "Professional Advising" "Expert-Led Forums" "Business Related Travel" "Meals" ...
$ cash : int 2625 1000 0 0 1800 750 0 825 3000 0 ...
$ other : int 0 0 448 119 0 0 47 0 0 396 ...
$ total : num 2625 1000 448 119 1800 ...
The summary
function will run a quick statistical summary of a data frame, calculating mean, median and quartile values for continuous variables:
# summary of pfizer data
Here is the last part of the console output:
Min. : 0
1st Qu.: 191
Median : 750
Mean : 3507
3rd Qu.: 2000
Max. :1185466
Now we will use dplyr to manipulate the data, using the basic operations we discussed in week 1:
Sort: Largest to smallest, oldest to newest, alphabetical etc.
Filter: Select a defined subset of the data.
Summarize/Aggregate: Deriving one value from a series of other values to produce a summary statistic. Examples include: count, sum, mean, median, maximum, minimum etc. Often you’ll group data into categories first, and then aggregate by group.
Join: Merging entries from two or more datasets based on common field(s), e.g. unique ID number, last name and first name.
Here are some of the most useful functions in dplyr:
Choose which columns to include.filter
Filter the data.arrange
Sort the data, by size for continuous variables, by date, or alphabetically.group_by
Group the data by a categorical variable.summarize
Summarize, or aggregate (for each group if following group_by
). Often used in conjunction with functions including:mean
Calculate the mean, or average.median
Calculate the median.max
Find the maximum value.min
Find the minimum valuesum
Add all the values together.n
Count the number of records.mutate
Create new column(s) in the data, or change existing column(s).rename
Rename column(s).bind_rows
Merge two data frames into one, combining data from columns with the same name.There are also various functions to join data, which we will explore below.
These functions can be chained together using the operator %>%
which makes the output of one line of code the input for the next. This allows you to run through a series of operations in logical order. I find it helpful to think of %>%
as “then.”
Now we will filter and sort the data in specific ways. For each of the following examples, copy the code that follows into your script, and view the results. Notice how we create a new objects to hold the processed data.
# doctors in California who were paid $10,000 or more by Pfizer to run “Expert-Led Forums.”
ca_expert_10000 <- pfizer %>%
filter(state == "CA" & total >= 10000 & category == "Expert-Led Forums")
Notice the use of ==
to find values that match the specified text, >=
for greater than or equal to, and the Boolean operator &
Now add a sort to the end of the code to list the doctors in descending order by the payments received:
# doctors in California who were paid $10,000 or more by Pfizer to run “Expert-Led Forums.”
ca_expert_10000 <- pfizer %>%
filter(state == "CA" & total >= 10000 & category == "Expert-Led Forums") %>%
If you arrange
without the desc
function, the sort will be from smallest to largest.
ca_ny_expert_10000 <- pfizer %>%
filter((state == "CA" | state == "NY") & total >= 10000 & category == "Expert-Led Forums") %>%
Notice the use of the |
Boolean operator, and the brackets around that part of the query. This ensures that this part of the query is run first. See what happens if you exclude them.
not_ca_expert_10000 <- pfizer %>%
filter(state != "CA" & total >= 10000 & category=="Expert-Led Forums")) %>%
Notice the use of the !=
operator to exclude doctors in California.
ca_ny_tx_fl_prof_top20 <- pfizer %>%
filter((state=="CA" | state == "NY" | state == "TX" | state == "FL") & category == "Professional Advising") %>%
arrange(desc(total)) %>%
Notice the use of head
, which grabs a defined number of rows from the start of a data frame. Here, it is crucial to run the sort first! See what happens if you change the order of the last two lines.
# Filter the data for all payments for running Expert-Led Forums or for Professional Advising, and arrange alphabetically by doctor (last name, then first name)
expert_advice <- pfizer %>%
filter(category == "Expert-Led Forums" | category == "Professional Advising") %>%
arrange(last_name, first_name)
Notice that you can sort by multiple variables, separated by commas.
The following code uses the grepl
function to find values containing a particular string of text. This can simplify the code used to filter based on text.
# use pattern matching to filter text
expert_advice <- pfizer %>%
filter(grepl("Expert|Professional", category)) %>%
arrange(last_name, first_name)
not_expert_advice <- pfizer %>%
filter(!grepl("Expert|Professional", category)) %>%
arrange(last_name, first_name)
This code differs only by the !
Boolean operator. Notice that it has split the data into two, based on categories of payment.
The following code uses the bind_rows
function to append one data frame to another, here recreating the unfiltered data from the two data frames above.
# merge/append data frames
pfizer2 <- bind_rows(expert_advice, not_expert_advice)
readr can write data to CSV and other text files.
# write expert_advice data to a csv file
write_csv(expert_advice, "expert_advice.csv", na="")
When you run this code, a CSV file with the data should be saved in your week7
folder. na=""
ensures that any empty cells in the data frame are saved as blanks — R represents null values as NA
, so if you don’t include this, any null values will appear as NA
in the saved file.
# calculate total payments by state
state_sum <- pfizer %>%
group_by(state) %>%
summarize(sum = sum(total)) %>%
Notice the use of group_by
followed by summarize
to group and summarize data, here using the function sum
# As above, but for each state also calculate the median payment, and the number of payments
state_summary <- pfizer %>%
group_by(state) %>%
summarize(sum = sum(total), median = median(total), count = n()) %>%
Notice the use of multiple summary functions, sum
, median
, and n
. (You don’t specify a variable for n
because it is simply counting the number of rows in the data.)
# as above, but group by state and category
state_category_summary <- pfizer %>%
group_by(state, category) %>%
summarize(sum = sum(total), median = median(total), count = n()) %>%
arrange(state, category)
As for arrange
, you can group_by
by multiple variables, separated by commas.
Now let’s run see how to work with dates, using the FDA warning letters data.
# FDA warning letters sent from the start of 2005 onwards
post2005 <- fda %>%
filter(issued >= "2005-01-01") %>%
Notice that operators like >=
can be used for dates, as well as for numbers.
# count the letters by year
letters_year <- fda %>%
mutate(year = format(issued, "%Y")) %>%
group_by(year) %>%
This code introduces dplyr’s mutate
function to create a new column in the data. The new variable year
is the four-digit year "%Y
(see here for more on time and date formats in R), extracted from the issued
dates using the format
function. Then the code groups by year and counts the number of letters for each one.
# add new columns showing many days and weeks elapsed since each letter was sent
fda <- fda %>%
mutate(days_elapsed = Sys.Date() - issued,
weeks_elapsed = difftime(Sys.Date(), issued, units = "weeks"))
Notice in the first line that this code changes the fda
data frame, rather than creating a new object. The function Sys.Date
returns the current date, and if you subtract another date, it will calculate the difference in days. To calculate date and time differences using other units, use the difftime
Notice also that you can mutate
multiple columns at one go, separated by commas.
There are also a number of join functions in dplyr to combine data from two data frames. Here are the most useful:
returns values from both tables only where there is a match.left_join()
returns all the values from the first-mentioned table, plus those from the second table that match.semi_join()
filters the first-mentioned table to include only values that have matches in the second table.anti_join()
filters the first-mentioned table to include only values that have no matches in the second table.To illustrate, these joins will find doctors paid by Pfizer to run expert led forums who had also received a warning letter from the FDA:
# join to identify doctors paid to run Expert-led forums who also received a warning letter
expert_warned_inner <- inner_join(pfizer, fda, by=c("first_name" = "name_first", "last_name" = "name_last")) %>%
filter(category=="Expert-Led Forums")
expert_warned_semi <- semi_join(pfizer, fda, by=c("first_name" = "name_first", "last_name" = "name_last")) %>%
filter(category=="Expert-Led Forums")
The code in by=c()
defines how the join should be made. If instructions on how to join the tables are not supplied, dplyr will look for columns with matching names, and perform the join based on those.
The difference between the two joins above is that the first contains all of the columns from both data frames, while the second gives only columns from the pfizer
data frame.
In practice, you may wish to inner_join
and then use dplyr’s select
function to select the columns that you want to retain, for example:
# as above, but select desired columns from data
expert_warned <- inner_join(pfizer, fda, by=c("first_name" = "name_first", "last_name" = "name_last")) %>%
filter(category=="Expert-Led Forums") %>%
select(first_plus, last_name, city, state, total, issued)
expert_warned <- inner_join(pfizer, fda, by=c("first_name" = "name_first", "last_name" = "name_last")) %>%
filter(category=="Expert-Led Forums") %>%
Notice that you can select by columns’ names, or by their positions, where 1
is the first column, 3
is the third, and so on.
Here is a useful reference for managing joins with dplyr.
RStudio Data Wrangling Cheet Sheet
Also introduces the tidyr package, which can manage wide-to-long transformations, among other data manipulations.
Stack Overflow
For any work involving code, this question-and-answer site is a great resource for when you get stuck, to see how others have solved similar problems. Search the site, or browse R questions